Friday, April 25, 2014

Spring Break


We've just had two wonderful weeks of lazy days, 
friends, and no schedules.

Easter Week is a big thing in Guatemala.
Kids get the whole week off from school,
and lots of people visit our lake.

We always have friends visiting from the city.

Lu had three friends over for a 2-night sleep-over,
and they had a blast!

It's also the town fair - music, food, and games:

After his friends went back to their homes and schools,
Lu still had this week off, and he's used it to watch every
age-appropriate movie ever made.

Meanwhile, this mama has been taking it easy,
clearing her mind, and getting ready for the next round.

We have some changes in our schedule, 
and lots of great stuff coming up.
I'm excited!

Here are some more pics from the fair:


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