Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Let's Go Outside Now and Work Later

I'm trying to get into the habit of eating breakfast. It's been decades since I was a regular breakfast eater (OMG, I'm old enough to say decades... plural). Lu is really big on breakfast and usually has eggs and toast, but I can't handle that kind of food so early in the morning, so we've been having papaya with yogurt and granola. Mmmmm... And I have to say, I seem to be in a better mood in general since I started eating breakfast again.
 There was still work to be done on the dam,
so out to the river we went...

 After some rock-moving,

and some monkey business,

 we sat down to a picnic packed by Lu.

His cucumber-onion-ricotta dip was to die for!
He learned the recipe from a friend.
We were very impressed.

And back to work!
Once that end rock was in place,
 and the pool was deep enough,
it was time for some serious swimming.

 Minu joined us...

And then some more friends showed up.

It started raining, so it was time to come inside.

Lu and Cha got to designing an easel for
Lu's jewelry business.

He needs something to stand his display
on the street, fold-able and portable.

Then there was some reading,

and a really groovy crawler.

Lu pointed out that it looked like a narwhal
because of the unicorn-ish horn,
but this fellow has it on his back end.

 There was some writing
and doodling.

 And more reading...

 Weapons of war
from Ancient Egypt.

The afternoon was sunny and we went outside
to pick some jocotes (ho-có-teh).

Sometimes I think - "Oh, what a beautiful day. Let's finish all our work quickly and then go outside." But then it might get cloudy, or by the time we're done, we're tired and it's getting late. So I want to change this to - "Oh, what a beautiful day. Let's go outside now, and do all our work later."


  1. Just love your days! And I know what you mean about putting off going outside...

  2. Your pictures make me feel like you're living in paradise! I want to be able to do that too - go outside and do work later. But at this age (6 and 3), I think I need to catch them in the morning because they're so tired by afternoon. But maybe when they're older? I hope.

  3. We are firm believers in enjoying the beautiful weather now!! Thanks for the great photos. Cheers!
