Tuesday, August 21, 2012

A Clean Desk and Pineapple and Randomness

After almost two months of "half-day school", 
we're supposed to be getting back on track with
our full-day schedule.

But our engines are warming up slowly, 
and we're not quite in gear yet.

A good step in the right direction was 
getting Lu's desk organized. 
 It was covered in stuff during the break, 
and is just now useable again.

He's almost finished reading
which he's absolutely loved.

 We've been doing a lot of singing,
which is my favorite way to start the day.

We choose a song, find it in our music library or on YouTube, google the lyrics, copy and paste to our Word document for songs, and voilá - music class.
(and vocabulary, spelling, reading, computer skills...)

In math, we've been learning about the coordinate plane -

I was a quite disappointed in MEP
when I saw this:

 I hate it when educational resources have references to
disney movies and transnational brands.

Nevertheless, it is an excellent resource, and it's free.

Lu has been great about chopping fruit 
for our mid-morning snack.

For Youth Group, as a Creative Writing assignment,
he was given a poem to memorize, illustrate, and recite.

Lu's really been enjoying these Brain Games 
from the same site we use for geography.

 And here's Lu multi-tasking...

 helping make lunch and reading.

We still haven't started our afternoon history lessons back up. And after going from the Big Bang all the way through the Persian Empire this year, I'm seriously considering postponing Ancient Greece for next year. 

So instead of history,  Lu's been doing random stuff like
picking up some more guitar lessons on the YouTube.

Randomness is good.

1 comment:

  1. That math problem set would have made me cringe too. Sigh...

    Looks like an overall enjoyable series of events though. JP also multi-tasks - reading while cooking or drawing while cooking. :)
